Friday, May 31, 2019

Let It Be

Sometimes when people can't make up their minds about things, you kind of just have to let them figure it out, themselves. When your input is needed, you put in. Otherwise just leave it up to the universe and be good .. ☺

Temporary is Temporary is Temporary

This area I'm currently living in makes no sense most of the time .. Currently still working on pondering then finding out where all the "fun stuff" is on the internet these days since I'd been out of the loop for so long. I'm half way back in but not moving much, in it. 😉 Got to build up somewhere, right? ☺

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Good Always Wins

Good always wins. Hands down.

Why it would ever be any other way I have no idea. Because, it wouldn't be any other way. That's why.

The Big Hole In Society

It needs filling .. .. .. and I'm not seeing any takers .. .. .. **shrugs**

Friday, May 24, 2019

Life Is Easy

I know people say "life is hard". Not like that it isn't. And, I know what it is it's just that people would rather it be, it seems. I disagree, but, that's not what majority says. And in times like these majority rules.

So I guess that's just how it's going to have to be for everybody. And until otherwise noted, sad as this is right now, that's just how it's going to stay.

Otherwise, it isn't something I disagree with. People'd just rather give in to their own evils and just shrug the whole rest of everything off.

You see. It pains me more to NOT be able to show you all this THAN to.

Think of it like this: nothing new .. .. .. Same things different days. Boring as anything. Now .. you take THAT, and I put in my good energy into everything. Lots of nice new stuff now. New ways. Life is SLIGHTLY more easy. BUT .. .. and it's a big but! .. If hat is not respected, nothing goes on. We do not COMMENCE. We are stuck in that one. single. spot. until it is respected, in full. Then, and ONLY THEN we move on to the next step. Or even STEPS (plural) as far as I know .. .. But how are we to even get there to the next one if the first one isn't completed? We're not. As in, we aren't going to until it is .. .. ..

And now, after (if you did) reading this, you see ultimately why I'm just sitting here waiting. Because, the first step has not been respected. I'm merely just waiting for it to be. To be respected .. **shrugs**

I mean if that's my life until I die all old and wrinkly then that's what it is .. .. .. **shrugs**

Then, that's just what it'll be. Until otherwise noted. ☺

You Can Catch Me Out In the Real World

I don't have social media accounts because it's too easy for people to get carried away with their "feelings" on social media.

In person is just more proper and real. Especially in this day and age.

I prefer to put my energy into more mature things than social media. Lets put it like that.

My site here is made mostly just for previewing my arts. Not to build up an audience of users constantly viewing it repeatedly with nothing more than that. Hear that. ☺

Negative Energy Area

Currently living in an area with alot of negative energy in it which makes it hard to work on things.
Not to be one to acknowledge it to make it stronger but it's also good to not ignore the fact that it's there.

One can dance the negativity away all they want to and still be surrounded by it if it isn't dealt with properly ..

Continuing On or Not

It's got to stop.

Music and visual art as we know it is not meant to be forced upon people.

If all that's being done is my arts being put down and it turning into some kind of "battle" instead, then I'll just continue to be not working on it. Hands down.

And ESPECIALLY if people out there would rather give in to their misconcieved feelings of jealousy and "understandings" of it and kill and fight and destroy all that is around them, including my own arts. ESPECIALLY then will I not be working on them.

I suppose it'll all just stay on standby until people out there that are being like this about these things come to a better UNDERSTANDING of it all. Otherwise it's just disrespectful and atrocious.

Artists Block

I know where my artists block is coming from.
I've realized it a few times in the past but it's never really set in until now.

It's a matter of "art is meant to be shared" kind of thing. And, if all society does is poke fun at people like me, prod, ridicule, etc. then who am I sharing my arts to? If it is only meant to be ridiculed then what's the point in sharing it? For it to be ridiculed and laughed at? It's a matter of between good and evil, to me. If I'm a good person, then, I share and make and share my arts and they keep getting torn down over and over again then what's the point? What is the point of continuing to do so if that's all that's ever going to happen?

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Make It

Why go on, unhappy? Some people perish that way, and that's sad .. I kind of feel bad for them, almost .. them, not having known any better.

I believe, truly, that having a good life is the best way to live. Not all angry and negative and all that.

It may have "seemed" that I was negative for a while, but, that was only just people's doubt. The whole time had been just more of a big "now standing by" for me. A "hold on". You know .. just wait.

I understand that it taking so long may have caused some OF the doubt, but, don't they go hand in hand sometimes anyways? When you doubt someone, you cast that negative energy out. It does affect people. It prolongs things sometimes, that's all .. Kind of an inward spinning cycle than more of an outward one or a release of it all.

I believe in the benefit of things usually, not the benefit of the doubt. I have a good life. I built it up myself. That's productivity. That's accomplishment. That's good. When someone says hold on, or wait, just do so. Let them explain. Let them work it out. Let them build on good intentions. 👍

Nice Windy Breezy Day

Been trying to make light of things lately, also. It works 😄

Thinking in order to get more of a groove and or vibe going I've got to see where everything and everybody's at for that, so I've been pondering ways to get some good feedback on things, related.

Sometimes neutral or unsure feedback from people is better than nothing. It can tell you where NOT to go, what NOT to do. Having been out of the loop for so long it seems like that is the way TO go, but not. I just had to gather enough wits to be able to take it the right way.

It's getting there.

Slow and steady, my friends .. ☺

Continuum. Life.

What is life without continuum? Mystery! Everlasting! .. Not meaning cause problems, but, once found? Continue on.
I am not one to seek out the mysterious, the intricacies of life. I just let life happen. Patience. Not mayhem nor chaos.
A good life is a good life. Good is good is good, for that matter.

Sometimes I feel that alot of people out there, if not too many but hopefully not, are under the false impression that in order to "progress life" we must create these problems for others, and, if we don't then "what are we" .. This is a major problem out there it seems. Correct me if I'm wrong. However .. nobody in their right MIND wants more and more and MORE troubles! We want SOLUTIONS, for the things to be FIXED, and, we move on!

This is one of my, how do you say it, "woes"? I assume how it is said? .. I understand the concept, I disagree with it, but still, it bothers me alot. .. Like how can one get work done if all that is being done in the outside world is all this catastrophe and mayhem? All these chaotically-minded people running around. How does that happen? And in art? One is to work in fear .. ?

Herein lies my artists block. Art is free as is knowledge. There is no form to it, as there IS form. To each their own styles! How does one say "do this" or .. "do that" and that is your art. All while terrified out of their minds .. .. That's just sad .. ..

I hope that things continue to level out. I really do. Even if some things may seem out of place while everything ELSE is going back INTO place, or .. ALREADY BEING THERE.


Not One For Excuses

Been having some major major artists block for the past years. It's slowly going away but it's been keeping me from actually getting to actual work for the longest time. It's not really because of anything I'm doing. It's more of just abnormal "life events" .. .. Just been letting it pass and it's slowly coming to, back to me. In a good way, mind you .. ..

Site Back Up

Ok so got the site back up just this hour or so. Lots of reworking it and adjustments of the actual site but it's working out better than before, even.

I'll take care of the ads in a few weeks.
