Sunday, June 30, 2019

Welcome, Not Apprehend and Defend

You'd think people would be more grateful for someone coming along trying to deplete all the problems in life and in the world and all that .. .. .. **shrugs**

Saturday, June 29, 2019

You Can Only Cake Up So Much Until It Lands On You Too

And then you're really in for it.

The power of good always wins. Let that be a lesson to you, at that time.

Not a sermon, not a warning. It's a fact. And, it is what it is.

Doing Good Is Easy

It's the backlash that hurts.

When you do so much nice and you treat people so well and you get nothing but hurt over and over again, it's more painful than difficult.
I mean, I shouldn't say "nothing but" but wow! this area is just full of it, I've seen. I never really wonder "why" I ended up here? but man oh man! this area is in need.

I'm not one to doubt higher powers really, usually. And, that's that. No ifs ands or buts about all that.

And like I said/posted .. it's the pain that is more of a problem. It impedes .. .. It's not even close to beneficial. And, why on this green earth people would want to inhibit productivity? positivity? progression? I have NO IDEA .. .. Like .. the only thing I can think of, and, the only thing I have seen that even resembles any kind of "way" or "trend" about it and that matches up even slightly each time I relate it to it is that people (well, SOME people, at least. Not everybody) are just so USED to doing so, that they come across somebody who's not even messing with them, messing around IN all that negativity and they go and be all nasty to them, too .. .. .. That is thee ONLY THING I have seen that matches up with it, even slightly.

And I never really even ever did anything myself to end up here but do good in life .. I mean, so what if people get jealous. So ? I mean, I don't get jealous really of other people doing well in life, but I sure do understand it! I HAVE understood it, also. I mean, I can't really think of anything otherwise what it could have been that ended me up around here instead of somewhere else and in a better off situation .. .. .. hm .. .. .. And I know GOD or GODS are not to blame for this. It's a person or people who are at fault here. As in, not to "blame" but who did the wrong thing about it instead of the right thing.

I mean, all in all, I'm the type of person who is HAPPY FOR others doing good in life. Not "let's see how we can take them down then do so". And, having been who I was at whatever point where I was wronged and ended up here after all "that"? I mean, you must be some kind of demonic person type to have done or be doing something like that to a person like me .. .. .. I mean, having an aside in life or not .. you WILL NOT be going through with what you are trying to do or what you DID try to do in the past. THAT will not be happening. Ok? Ok.

Anyways, enough rambling (or .. um, you know .. NOT) .. I know what I post is true it;s just my matter and this is my blog. So no problem with it really, but, it's just alot of complicated junk that isn't mine in the first place, all out on here for whoever. That's all it is. And .. it is what it is.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Right Is Right

It's not wrong to do the right thing. In fact, if there are all these "hoardes" of people out there these days doing the wrong thing, mistreating people, each other, and so on and so forth, it STILL doesn't make doing the right thing wrong. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever will be. That's why we have them defined in the dictionary as two different things. They are two different WORDS for crying out loud lol ..

People act like "just because you ignore it it isn't there". Not so. Not even close. That's like saying oh, "Maybe if I cover my eyes they won't see me" .. That's childish, and, not very realistic.
I mean, say it how I say it, it doesn't change the fact. But still, there are allllllllllll these people out there doing the latter. Why? I have NO IDEA. They must look up to failiure rather than success .. .. .. I can't even spell failiure for crying out loud lol .. Go figure .. .. ..

In Other Words, You Get What You Give

You get what you give. Not the other way around.

People, these days, just want to take and take and take .. then they wonder WHY on earth itself they have nothing left. Hm .. .. ..

It doesn't make me want to help. No .. .. .. it doesn't.

I mean, after like 10 plus years of putting out all this good energy? Only to have it turn out like this ? It's making me second guess helping any more. It's looking like something ELSE is the problem. And, it doesn't have to do with me ..

And I'm not so dumb that I just give and give until all the sudden I have just about nothing left. Jesus already did that. And, I'm not THAT dumb to make it have to happen again. And if that makes only one smart person as human on the face of this planet then so be it. It is what it is, then.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

You Get What You Put Out In Life

Enough said for one day .. .. **sigh**

Monday, June 17, 2019

Self Progression

If you want to build up to the point where you have nothing to worry about in life, you can. It's possible. If you have "nothing to start with" then start with the thought of it, alone. The thought itself will carry you through it all the whole way. Just make sure you make that your focus. It will eventually guide you, itself, BY itself, without much effort on your part, actually. How do I know this? I've been there. I've experienced it. I'm just off track of it right now. But that's another thing that I'm not getting into right now ..

But don't take my word for it. Find out yourself. You yourself. You and you ONLY. Cuz that's how it works. And if you can't trust "you", yourself, then what can you trust? Nothing. And not the "good" kind of nothing. The nothing that is also known as the bad or "negative" nothing. The "pointless" kind of nothing .. lol .. .. And if THAT'S where you are then get to that point first where you CAN trust yourself, your own body, mind and soul. And then go from there. ☺


The truth about things always prevails. Be it instantaneously or over a long period of time. Or both .. .. ..

That's why I do what I'm supposed to, always. So I don't have to worry about anything. ☺

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Cuz when your're nice .. it spreads like wildfire ..

I mean, that is thee strongest THING you can do in times like these is just be nice to one another .. .. Even IF someone is being mean. Be NICE BACK. .. They might even understand! Situation DISPERSED. See ?

Good wins, Evil loses

I just don't get it .. .. Like, if we grow up, KNOWING .. that good always wins, evil always loses, the hero always wins, the villain always gets caught, in all the stories, books, movies and all that we ever see .. .. .. and still, STILL .. .. people choose to lose ? they choose to be nasty than nice, even ? .. .. ..

I don't understand that

Backwards Country ..

This is a country where people that do the right things get looked down on and people that do the wrong things are looked up to.

That's WRONG.

And now you're seeing what happens when that happens for too long.

Hopefully the future will be different. Much MUCH different .. .. ..

When You're Wrong? You Admit It and Fix It

When you're in the wrong, don't keep rolling with it as if you somehow back in some shady corner of your mind know you're right. Cuz you don't. Flat out. You don't.

And especially NOT when like EVERYBODY knows you're wrong.

See, the way I do it? Is with simple things. So it STAYS SIMPLE. Everybody makes mistakes. The universe is not perfect. See? That's how it progresses. And thee IDEA is, is to keep it in BALANCE. NOT have all sorts of negative energy "caked up" everywhere. That'll never happen!
So me? When I make a simple mistake? I admit it. Even to myself all alone. When another comes up, I repeat the process. The SAME WAY. So now, it stays simple. Just like it started. Just like it will stay.
If you YOURSELF are caked up AS negative, the only LOGICAL way to back down out of that is by doing just that, ever so slowly. Not make it worse. Not keep rolling with it. Turn each and every one of those negative things you have around you, or, "about" you, around. And if time runs short? I mean hey. At least you tried. Time running short is one main reason WHY we keep it simple in the first place. So there always IS time. So it doesn't GET cut short.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Untitled ..

Slowly finding out that there's no going downtown during weekend nights as it's plagued with drunks .. ..

Hmmm .. what else to do .. .. 🤔

That Last Post

I edited a post from a while ago and it pushed it to "current". Not like it still isn't happening but that was posted days ago.

This area is old news in that aspect. Big deal. Nobody cares about energy like that that people like that put out like they do lol .. ..

Carrying on. Chilling this evening, currently. If music happens, it happens. Not promising anything as I'm not one to just "put out at random" whatever I'm feeling into music. That's not how I roll.

That's how I roll .. .. .. Good vibes only, please .. 😉

Not Yet

Good day today. Got lots done. Trying to work on music but not feeling it. Not just yet, at least ..

I Work for the Universe & All That Is Good

I don't know about you, but, I work for the universe. I work for progression, for creation, for all that is good. God included. If you're a good god? I got your back .. lol 👍👍✌👌

Well .. that's my business, anyways .. .. .. ☺

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Up & Running

Ok, so I got the studio up and running in a way that I can work with it.

Also I need to get my site's domain enabled next month so people can start visiting.

Been making starting blogs and getting used to the interface. Tty guys soon ok

Monday, June 10, 2019

Nice-ish Day, Good Timings

It's been an ok day today. Lots of stormy-ish things going on out there but been trying to make things work not "anyways" (like most people like to say) but when the times are right, during the day ..

Self Respect

There's nothing self-centered about self-respect. Anyone who says otherwise is confused about the definitions, even.

Self-respect isn't about casting anything outwards. It's purely a myth that self-respect is a way to "get back at" or "avenge" .. and it will always be a myth .. .. ..

Self-respect has to do with you and you only. There ARE no others involved. ☺

Sunday, June 9, 2019

It May Take A While, But

My gosh this is a stubborn area around here (location-wise) .. **sigh**

Things that'd normally take other areas to understand take this one years .. if even at all! Ugh ..

Patience .. .. ..

Saturday, June 8, 2019

For The Wealthy Minded, Hearted and Spirited

There is nothing CHEAP about calling out those who live life cheap shotting others. Doing so means you are somewhat STRONG actually. Not the other way around .. ✌😉✌

And it can't be cheap twice (on both sides) or it wouldn't even be a thing and we all wouldn't even exist. And that'd be rather evil in the first place now, wouldn't it ..

The Hypocrisies ..

Always got to be the hypocrite that says otherwise .. ..

.. .. instead of seeing what they can do to better the situation. Not WORSEN it .. .. ..

Always know what you are talking about. Don't just go off in life blabbing meaningless words that'd otherwise HAVE meaning if you actually PRACTICED them day in and day out like you act like you do then be all up in arms "all the sudden" when you get called out .. That's foolish .

Friday, June 7, 2019

All Caught Up In Your Own Games

Some of these people are just caught up in their own games .. .. I mean that in a "you get what you give, in life" kind of way .. ..

And as messed up as it is .. it's true.

I mean don't get me wrong; It's not ultimately bad to make mistakes, mess up, etc. .. .. But at least LEARN from them. Even in HOPES that you make them less in the future, if at all .. .. .. This though? It's a completely different story. And it's going on in a main city near the capital of one of (if not the most) powerful countries in the world .. .. ..

It kind of makes it hard to get things done. It really does.

Like .. .. .. work is one thing, but this? these disgraceful actions committed over and over again and STILL being committed even AFTER everything starts going downhill .. ? That has nothing to do with work, with music production, with the arts. So here, we have to take this whoooooole big ASIDE, wait for the little kids to clean up their acts, and THEN we can get to work .. .. ..

And that's IF they even stop being so ignorant .. .. IF they do .. .. not when, not how .. and so on and so forth .. but IF .. .. ..

I mean you'd be complaining about it too if you were me. Damn straight you would.

I mean, to step out into the downtown area only to get, like, pummeled by snickers and subliminal harassment by people so "pro" at it that they just know exactly when to stop so you can't get evidence .. ? And this isn't here and there .. .. you know .. .. "once in a while" .. .. .. even .. .. Even "bad" like "normal bad" .. .. no .. .. .. It's been going on for YEARS .. .. DAILY .. .. ..

I'd think the only respectable way to deal with it on this and that scale is to just let the shit hit the fan **shrugs** .. .. ..

Watch THAT fly .. .. .. .. ..

I mean .. people have to learn one way or another, don't they? So what better way than to LET THEM.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Haven't been getting much of any feedback at all on anything I do, for the longest time. People have just been seeming to prefer to not say anything at all, or even flat out ignore what I put out.

I mean, not the kind of "crowd" I want to gather anyways, but come on now .. you can't be that bad or ignorant, are you? At least say something. Input SOMETHING. So at least I know what I'm doing wrong, even .. And I solely say "wrong" only, because otherwise it'd be something positive, something good, and that's progressive, that's positive. And at least be somewhat non-lazy enough to do THAT. Otherwise then, then what are you .. ?

Also One of "Those" Areas Around Here

Don't get me wrong; it is "nice" around here. But some of the people aren't ..

Things are improving but there's still alot of negativity around here still.

It's understandable that "everybody's learning", but, some people just don't even try .. ..

So my point is, all in all, is that it doesn't help with creativity. At all, really. It doesn't "help" to have everything going just right, then all the sudden boom, all messed up. It doesn't help at all, actually. It hurts. It's destructive.

So, that's another thing I'm having to "deal with" around here is things like that going on. I mean, I try to have it so that it doesn't happen and just keep that balance going? But it seems like sometimes when things start getting on a roll and going forward that someone around here just "has" to come along and jack it up. And it's not some of it they jack up. It's like, all of it .. ..

Very cruel .. .. .. And it is a pretty "unusual" area .. if you get my gist .. .. ..

Anyways .. I suppose the best thing to do is to do what I can in that "idle state" until something that works latches on and I can grab on to it. I mean it doesn't help that other places out there, people are going all crazy and all that now, but whatever. I'm sure it'll work out sooner or later. Whether "they" (around here) like it or not. It's not their decision in the first place anyways. If it was then that's just workers of evil and I don't abide by that, so .. good 😉

Another Stormy Day. More Artists Block

It's not too bad out .. but still .. .. **sigh**

Also, my site here, it's mostly just for previewing my works for those of you who don't know what that's all about.
Most (if not all) of the rest of everything is out in the real world.


Sometimes all it takes is patience on both sides ..

On A Roll

Trying hard to get a roll on things, things on a roll. Been working so hard on getting situated. Now it's time to work on getting things on a roll.
Then .. they will be on a roll after that, I'd think. And from there on and thereforth ..

Even if it's seeming simple and an easy thing to do, it's not. It is, but it's not. Twice, I could say.

I try anyways 👍👍

Sunday, June 2, 2019

That's Life

There is ALWAYS time with good, with the universe. THAT'S LIFE .. .. ..

It Is What It Is

You can say it back and forth all day long, until you get old and withered. But, without ever actually making direct connections about it, where it is supposed to be, it never goes anywhere .. ..