Sunday, August 4, 2019


Society is so slithery and slimy and creepy and all sorts of mad. Evils get passed along as if they are nothing ..

But weak these evils remain. No matter how "large". All it takes is just one good ^ _ ^ .. Just one .. ☝

Mutual is Mutual

Do I make myself clear ..

Agreement. No?

I  mean if I make myself clear then I make myself clear.

And if it's to nobody then I'm talking in circles. But that's not what this is .. so .. documented it goes .. .. .. ^ _ ^ ..

So Stop

There has to be a point where people stop and go on to the next thing. You don't just go on and on and on in all sorts of different ways just "for the hell of it" .. .. ..

People around here are ridiculous .. .. ..

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Denial Without Cause

No basis?

I'd watch out for that if I were you .. .. ^ _ ^

.. .. you know .. just saying.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

In Other Words .. NO .

It doesn't make me want to keep trying to work with you people if all you're going to do is keep leaving me in ditches in random dumb-ass cities, to die .. .. .. It doesn't make me want to work with you AT ALL.

 As a matter of fact? after all you've put me through? to lead up to all this negative "nothing" and YOU having a HOOT about it? YOU should be the one pulling on MY pant leg, BEGGING for me to work with YOU. NOT the other way around.

Now THAT is more of a realistic scenario.

Why? Because you people act in vain, I do not. Simple as that. 👍👍

Music, for who? Me? Only Me .. ? Uhhh .. ..

I'm a music producer, an artist. I also do photography.

For this to have happened, where I try to work with people over and over again only to wind up alone? It makes me not want to make music for anybody.

I mean, all in all, if all this displacement was created out of something negative, could be turned into something positive and all that, blah blah blah is all I hear. From YOU guys. YOU don't care. I DO.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

And On Top of It All, All You Have to Do Is Be Nice

Like why is being nice, kind, respectful, ALL OF IT, so hard ? Why ?

And not only why IS it, but .. why WAS it ? Why WAS it so DIFFICULT, so "out of the way" just to respect me, and nice and friendly people LIKE me ? Why ?

And if you are still choosing that "way", then you are STILL choosing WRONG. WRONG over RIGHT, you are choosing. And that is why we are dying out. Because of things like THAT.

To the TEE .

How Dare You .

Vanity rules EVIL, NOT mankind!



Are we all really THAT DUMB ? That AMIDST all of this we STILL. SHRUG . IT. OFF. IN. VAIN. .. .. ..

And if THAT'S not stupid I don't know WHAT is! Cuz that's the end  of it ..

Love of The Self is NOT ABSTINENCE .. Love goes ON .. So COMMENCE!

Love of the self, FOR the self .. you CANNOT CALL THAT ABSTINENCE.

It is a CONTINUUM .. You cannot analyze a continuum and expect a single result you can put your finger on!

People get so caught up in analyzing this, analyzing that .. that all the SUDDEN .. they FORGET what their original POINT of ANALYSIS IS .. .. ..

Go figure .. .. .. That's all it is, is GO FIGURE .. .. ..

It's DUMBFOUNDING how ignorant people can be over thee most simple SIMPLE things .. .. ..

Why this? Why that? Like .. can you just DROP your fingers POINTING at each other ?? We're BLAMING OURSELVES TO DEATH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD !!!

Are We Not A Part of This Anyways ??

Are we NOT a part of this?? As every OTHER living creature out there also is! Are we not part of the universe too? We are!

That was a statement, a building STATEMENT. A FACT. Not a question!

We Can Fix This!!

If we messed  all this up, about our planet .. then .. yes, we CAN fix it.

If we didn't do this? Then it is up to the universe .. .. ..

Friday, July 26, 2019

Live A Good Life

I choose to live a good life. I get good things. I treat people nicely. It is what it is. Nothing more, nothing less. I may “sound” nasty online but I am nothing more than nasty TO bad energies. Do not get this confused with being actually nasty. If I was “actually nasty” I’d of been gone a long long time ago .. .. .. and that’s not going to happen any time soon, either.

Acting Poorly Leaves You Poor of the Soul

Treat good people poorly and you will not be remembered after you pass on. As, that is all you did was treat others poorly, and, nobody cares about that.

Even IN life. You leave a path of pointless nothingness. There is nothing there behind you.

Treat others well and you build and build and build and get more and more and MORE. You BENEFIT. The energies INCREASE.

Thinking that bad energy somehow benefits you and others around you is nothing more than a lie .. .. ..

Be Good


Thursday, July 25, 2019

Good good, Bad bad ..

There is no other which way it goes.

If you are a good person and you do good things you live a good life. If you are a bad person and you do bad things then you live a bad life.

External is external. You could have on the biggest smile in the world all day long and be the most nasty, messed up and stressed out person ever, living the worst life. Don’t be fooled by external “physique” .. .. .. only skin deep .. .. ..

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Always Going To Be Something .. .. Or Is It

The way I see it, is you can say “it’s always going to be something for someone” meaning, you can SAY somebody out of the crowd is always going to have a problem with it, but, in the end it’s how hard you tried to rid them of that evil and to help them be more and ultimately understanding .. that actually mattered ..

Like I say/post regularly, you can live a life of sayings that you never practice, preach them to the crowd of empty followers, or, you can BE that, even if it’s to yourself. And being that, alone is better (much MUCH better) than not being it or “acting” like you are being it in front of millions .. ..

Also don’t get me wrong, no, there is NOTHING WRONG with trying. Nothing wrong with actually learning and so on and so forth. No. Absolutely not.

But what is wrong is acting like you are all this and that when you really understand nothing about it. Especially in terms of “retalliation” at someone else, like alot of which is going on around here right now in this area .. ..

I mean, it IS getting better and “disbursing” like I said it would? But WOW. If I’ve never seen something take THIS LONG to disburse then I’m not even here IN this! lol .. .. .. Cuz THAT’S stubborn. For something to take THAT LONG to “simmer” as you say? then disburse? Man oh man oh man oh man .. .. .. NOT good of people .. .. in itself. The GOOD part is it disbursing. Not the actual thing that has to disburse .. .. ..

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

You Could Say A Million Things About It

You could say a million things about it .. but, good will ALWAYS prevail over it .. ALL of it .. .. ..

.. which has ultimately been my point this whole time .

Monday, July 22, 2019

And You Say You Don't Need Anyone .. ? Even Who .. .. .. ?

But who do we all need? Ourselves!

So .. that statement is nothing but a lie. As it always was.

And not needing one person is one thing, but sounding like you people are out of your minds like chickens with their heads cut off running around, a'muck, is ANOTHER .. .. ..

Ghastly .. ? Gnarly ..

I mean, once even my parent was like acting like I was "acting nice just because I wanted something" .. .. and not only just once. I mean, like a few times and then tried to make it seem like it was an actual "thing" that I do.

But, you can't call niceness greed. So it never worked out. And I'm not like that in the first place anyways. That's not how I operate in life.

But I mean, to DO GOOD just for the hell of it? RARE ? If I don't say what is this new devilry myself! As Boromir did in The Lord of The Rings!

As if it is not COMMON that people do not do good and nice things over evil any day ? Ghastly! Blasphemy! That's all KINDS of negative energy out there in the world. No wonder it's common it's a cold world! And THAT'S WHY!!!

I mean, if we ALL have good inside of us, NATURALLY, then THAT. IS. THE. SOLUTION. to that.

Lemmings and Evolution ..

I guess some people are just like lemmings, the little rodents of the arctic that just mindlessly run off cliffs to their deaths .. ..

I mean alot of people say “thin the herd why don’t they, then” .. but you know what I say? I say the more the merrier. Cuz why be stuck all alone if you don’t have to ?

Like, it’s one thing to be fine alone and not absolutely HAVE to have the company of another. But to not NOT look down upon being alone nor having to be with others, but to just even pity others for the sake of the universe? That’s a blessing to be able to do.

And I’m no extreme holy figure, and not one to call myself good things, but, I DO know what it is to pity another that I know better than in order to show them that the world’s not so bad if in the face of a “situation” the one with the upper hand just seeks pity and understanding rather than destruction of that foe .. .. ..

My main quip is, is that why, out of all that IS .. .. .. why do people rather distance themselves from this and run off cliffs like these lemmings than face this .. this .. forgiveness, almost .. .. .. ? Why? They are scared that it might not happen? And by what? Nothing! There is absolutely NOTHING I have done to show that if you come up to me and be nice I won’t be nice BACK.

And the rest of all “that” is just a bunch of JUNK and pointless RUMORS .. .. .

So .. .. .. I guess .. .. don’t be lemming-like. Don’t be mindless. Even if you have to think about little stuff here and there once in a while .. .. .. I mean, you have a brain, do you not? Did you not learn how to walk from a crawling baby? Ok, then .. .. ..

Continue on, Don’t stop

I just don’t understand why people just absolutely HAVE to cause problems .. ..

“Comfort” in causing chaos, havoc and spreading evil never ended well ..

Why be villainous? Didn’t you ever learn that the villain is the bad guy? He always loses. That’s the way life works. It goes on. Bad does not.


Neglect just makes things go bad and calls bad energy and karma upon you. Why bother with neglect .. **shrugs**

Sunday, July 21, 2019

I Just Don’t Understand Ridicule

I just don’t get it. Why do people just “have” to ridicule others? Like, "because of boredom” is not an excuse. There ARE no excuses of it, or to it.

Like, and by the masses? Mass ridicule? People just need to keep it to themselves. Or better yet, how about work on being UNDERSTANDING than trying to take down the next person beside you and the next and the next until all the sudden YOU have nobody else by your side and you’re DOWN the creek without a paddle .. .. ..

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Literal is Literal, Figurative is Figurative

You could be in your heads about all this ALL DAY LONG .. .. DAY IN, and DAY OUT .. .. ..

But if you don't do something about it? hm .. .. .. I doubt it's going to ever get fixed.

I mean, we don't have floating items that are just so important and up for grabs and available like that lol .. not yet, at least .. And until we do? UNTIL we do, you're going to have to physically pay me for this trend thing and all this complaining I've been doing about it. ESPECIALLY all the trouble you've put me through over all this.

And I mean ya, it COULD be a good thing, you following in my footsteps and all that. OF COURSE it could. But, like this? A fuddle? A MOCKERY being made out of me, even? Nah ah .. .. .. Like that, you're going to feel every OUNCE of pain I was put through by you. Every OUNCE of it. And I think most of you (if not all of you) are not capable of being able to properly deal with pain on that scale .. .. ..

But hey, it is what it is .. .. ..

.. .. .. until otherwise 😊

Here's The Thing;

If you guys don't want help, though, you just don't want help. You don't WANT solutions .. .. .. and I'm not going to help you then.

You can't "force help" on someone without getting a black eye, per se .. .. ..

And if all you people'd rather do is MOCK me and BELITTLE me and everyone like me then hey, that's not the way to ask for help. You ask for help by saying to someone "hey, could you help me?" and the like. Not by being destructive to them. Ok?

So that's how it's going to go then. Until otherwise noted, until something else works out, and so on and so forth on THAT topic .. .. ..

And Funny Thing Is ..

And the funny thing is, is it's not funny. And THAT "might" be funny .. SLIGHTLY .. .. ..

But it's ultimately, um .. .. NOT .. .. .. 😊

Funny Thing Is

The funny thing is, is that I just finished that last post and was re-directed to the "titles" screen here on Blogger as usual and re-read the title of the post I just posted and immediately realized what I was just wondering .. ..

Like, you know when you just post something, say something, complete a thought, etc. and you are left wondering what you were just talking about because you finished it so well? Well that's what that was. I was like, "why do people choose to be so destructive?" .. And I mean obviously it's because they believe (albeit false) that there is more "power" in negative energies than positive ones, but I was answered by this title by it saying to me "Because they are assholes" and it made me think .. .. ..

Like, when you've done all you can to be good to others .. and .. they just keep pursuing these negative energies .. .. .. you kind of just have to let them. In other words, ultimately knowing the outcome of it .. .. I mean ya, you just have to let them destroy themselves. Because you've done all you can .. .. .. and if that's truly all you can do then that's what it is, truly, is all you can do. The end of your limit.

And I'm no Jesus or anything .. so I just do my music. And, I mean, small situation left un-dealt with over so long grown so large now, but still .. I am no fool. I am a music maker, a photographer, an artist. I am no Jesus. And, I never said I was. I never even acted like I was. I just lived my life and, ultimately just been letting this "other" situation deal with itself. Because, ya, it's my doing, but .. .. I'm pretty sure if I was the one to pay myself I'd be payed already. And, that's not the way the universe works. People do their jobs, their part, then they get payed by other people. They don't get payed by themselves. And whoever's sick joke that was about me having to pay myself and shrugging off their part in this, well, Idk what's going to come of you, but I'm sure it isn't good.

It ultimately isn't "funny", these situations .. .. .. I haven't been the one laughing it off, I've been the one trying to work through it. That's why I've been "bitching" (how you say it around here, mind you) about it this whole time. Years .. .. .. even .

And if you consider that wrong then you are ultimately not welcome to exist as positive energy by means of the universe or anything. Because that's not what it's about and that's not how positive energy works. It just doesn't.

Never said it did, never said you were and I don't have any IDEA how you got there. But by the heavens above, and hells below you are not welcome to call yourself as a "positive" being by any means shape or form SO help me the heavens above AND hells below .. .. ..

Yup, Grade "A" Assholes, Just Like I Thought ..

Just as I expected .. ..

Guess I'll just keep doing what I've been doing and being all alone, AWAY from you people around here. You can't act right. 😉

Cuz, you know .. .. that's what it's all "ABOUT" in the first place .. .. lol .. .. **eye roll**

Oh ya, and I forgot to mention, you DO need me. You just don't know you do yet cuz I never said why cuz you never asked and all I've been doing is holding it over you guys for the longest time lol .. .. It's easy to. And, it's easy because it's the right thing to do.

It'll take care of itself, though. That's why I'm doing this. And if you don't learn your lesson, well .. oh well, then I guess we just weren't meant to go on as humanity. Cuz it isn't me you should be WORRYING ABOUT. It's YOU. And furthermore, it's YOU I should be worrying about staying away from, dumb as you all are .. ..

And I say dumb cuz you're wrong, you KNOW you're wrong, you ALL SEE you're in the wrong for this and you're STILL. THROWING IT. IN. MY. FACE. .. .. .. and that's anti-progression, aldies & gentlemen. Good luck with yourselves .. .. .. You know, "You, you and yourselves". Cuz it WAS all about YOU in the first place .. .. .. 😊

So let's keep it like that, then. Until further notice. Cuz we're still at step one .. .. .. **shrugs**

I don't know why it's so hard for you people to finish the first step! 😊 lol ..

Stop While You Can .. .. ^ _ ^ Highly recommended ..

Don't be sore you are wrong. Admit your faults and we can all move on to more important things.

Or want you see what being sore leads to as humanity as well? You physically threaten yourselves, no?

Again, I hear no response, so we go either way, now. As the time passes that this was supposed to be worked out is the moment it goes into play .. .. ..

**shrugs** Good luck with that .. .. ..

I have no business with traitors of their own bodies, minds and souls .. 😊

False Conclusions Lead Only to Confusion

You can draw a million and a half conclusions about something or someone. It doesn't make it any more true or false. As, it is what it is .. .. .. It just is. There are no Ifs Ands or Buts about it. And that's just the way it is. That's the way the universe works. That's what we are, is humans. That's how we react correctly to things is NOT drawing false conclusions about all this. A million and one of them, to be more clear .. ..

I mean if you PREFER to head down the path of self destruction and eventually BECOME destroyed, YOUR SELF, then yes, DO THAT. DRAW a million and one false conclusions .. CONFUSE yourself. You will ONLY FIND that it tears YOU down in the end. Not who or what you drew them ABOUT. 😉

Well .. .. ..

Well .. .. I'm not going down with all "THAT" going on out there so I guess I'll just continue to be to myself, like I've been doing, and, like you people have been doing, also. You see, you distancing yourselves from em, it's the same thing as you staying away from me. Inhibiting you or not, it matters not, as I know the truth to the situation, you merely do it out of vanity and such, I do it because I am sitting here WAITING for you to get your acts straight, come up to me and begin working with me on these things .. .. or, not. You know? It matters not to me, also. Only because I'm fine. I'm GOOD to myself, all alone. I do THRIVE off of social encounters, as they may be mutual and all that, you know, spread the wealth .. but I do not necessarily "need" the encounters, or interactions, of others.

So, you know .. suit yourselves .. ?

I guess I'll be just doing what I do trying to stay out of your troublesome ways between each other, all of you, out there .. .. .. like I have been. Merely a redundant statement, yes. I mean, you kind of have to spell it out for people who are maddened, stupid, etc. .. You know .. .. ..

And I GUESS I'll be working on my music here and there also, still .. .. in HOPES that you guys get your acts together out there. So I can come out ready. You know .. SHOULD the time come. And if it doesn't? Then oh well then, at least I tried .. .. .. as I always do .. .. ..

Trash out, trash IN .. See?

Bad people get bad things. Good people get GOOD things. Can't you see?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Who To Make Art For If NOBODY CARES

Nobody. 😊

A BEAUTIFUL night to begin ignoring people ..

The time is now.

Just as they said "Any day, any time, any weather. We'll BE THERE." and weren't. AND been giving me the cold shoulder for 10 plus years? AND nobody gives a fuck otherwise?

Ok, the time is now, then ..

And that'll be me doing more than 9 billion+ people on the face of this entire planet.

You Don't Want Knowledge. You Want Catastrophe.

You don't want knowledge. You don't WANT to know what I know. You'd rather watch it all burn to the ground.

Otherwise, then, why do you laugh at me like you do? Otherwise, then, why do you brush me off like I am so meaningless? No reason other than JUST THAT .. .. ..

Bad Drama vs. Good Drama

There is a difference. People say "drama" like there's no such thing as good drama then the "play" is automatically "null". Uhhh .. .. oh, but wait, no. I'm sitting out of this, right? So that means no helping you guys out. Cuz what am I going to do? help you fuck ME over, too? No.

ANd this'd be unfair to delete or not post, so I'm posting it anyways. Cuz other than that I'm basically just staring at the wall all day and all night. You know .. .. unlike what ALOT of you people around here are saying "otherwise" about me. So, here's YOUR otherwise. Bunny quotes of sarcasm included. 😊

Nobody Cares So Nobody Cares. No Need To Let The Whole World Know. It Should Uphold Itself. No? Didn't Think So. ^ _ ^

You can't go and basically "preach" that nobody cares "at your discretion". That's a redundant concept and one of thee most useless things I could possibly think of.

But still, people insist on doing so. Idiotic as they may be, "smart" as they think they are, "made" as they aren't .. STILL, they insist on doing so. And, without even thinking they have to prove so. It's the dumbest most stupid thing anybody could possibly do. Even I AM about not doing this, I EXIST ABOUT NOT IT .. they SEE that and do so anyways .. .. .. And, if that isn't stupid, I don't know what is.

I mean, I could just ignore you all and act like you don't exist. Cuz if you won't even ask me what the hell went wrong, where everything fouled up, work THROUGH this with me and all that .. then what the hell is the difference anyways ?? THERE ISN'T ONE.

And if that's your ass then that's not going to be my ass too. Cuz then that's be two of us. And that'd be pointless too. Cuz I'm not stupid like that. 😉 Meaning, "I'm not exactly the type to go down WITH someone who's already going down" .. .. .. And by "going down" I mean getting taken down to China Town. By your own selves. You, yourselves and YOU. NOT ME.

Cuz how could I possibly even be doing that if I'm NOT EVEN PAR-TAKING .. ..

So .. .. .. knock yourselves out, then. 😊

They is They

They is they. "They" could be you, could be you, could be you. But "they" .. it is not me. Why? Because, I AM THE ONE DOING THIS. It's ME. It isn't you!

So they? "They" is anybody BUT ME .. .. ..

Wouldn't want to lose me, now, would you .. .. ..

I mean if anyone has you guys in a catch 22 and is willing to let up it's me, not you guys. Don't be sore you're wrong or you might mess it up for everyone.

Wouldn't want to lose me now would you .. .. .. 😉

Cuz how are you going to respect the situation if I'm dead? How are you going to say, "Oh, we fucked up. HERE you go, Roiikka Ta. HERE'S your pay" if I'm dead .. .. .. And THEN we take the next step .. .. .. ? Uhhh .. I think not.

And if you have no clue what I'm talking about I suggest you stop running around out there acting like you know what's "going on" with all this. Cuz you DON'T ..

And like I said/posted/typed up/whatever you wna call it .. just a few sentences ago; Don't be mad you're in the wrong. Cuz the second you do is the second you fuck up. In THAT area, anyways .. .. ..

And as a matter of fact, there are ALOT of people out there running around like they know what's going on out there. And they STILL DON'T KNOW. And that's STILL ignorant. Why? Because THEY. REFUSE. TO. FIND. OUT. CORRECTLY.

End of story.

Never asked, Never knew .. .. ..

I don't have any words for how wrong this is, how neglectful and ignorant this is of you people .. .. so that's probably why I'm sitting here all alone in my place while you all are out there going crazy. .. you know .. still being neglectful. still being ignorant of the situation. still ignoring it. still going down the drain .. .. ..

But hey .. .. I'm ok. And that's good enough for me.

You see .. the situation kind of takes care of itself .. .. .. one way or another, that is .. .. .. 😌

I'm glad I'm ultimately fine. I wouldn't have had it any other way for myself. 🙂

Like I posted earlier on another one of my "social" media sites; you either come out fine or you don't. it's a shame people choose the latter day in and day out.

And as nobody cares to read this, I have nothing to apologize about.
In fact, I'd think I should recieve some type of apology or 9 billion .. .. if you know what I mean .. .. .. But that .. .. .. ehh .. maybe not so selfish of me anyways .. .. and I'll just keep up what I typed up anyways. This IS my blog in the first place ANYWAYS .. .. ..

Carrying along .. .. .. 😉

Mutuality ..

Nobody wants to pay up.

If I can't do something ultimate and get paid for it, even eventually, then what am I even doing trying to build up something under that if that's what's going to happen anyways .. .. ..

I'm not tired of pressing on, I'm tired of pressing on that way. In a civilization full of greed, problems, and so on .. one that nobody wants to go forth with solutions, that civilization becomes the problem. That's just the way it is. It doesn't take a bunch of followers to say so and or it to be true, be those followers physical or not.

It is what it is.

People don't want the good. They want the bad. So .. .. I'm considering folding on that.

I'll not be putting in to something that's just going to keep getting dropped over and over and over. And TRUST ME, it's been getting dropped ten-fold for YEARS, now .. ..

I'm fine living alone. If everyone else ceases to exist and I'm the only one left just because of what I have inside of me then that's fine with me. I'd of only survived a cataclysm of fools .. .. .. So be it .

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Online, Though ..

Not really digging this whole online thing, but hey, it has to all start somewhere right? And it's either online where I can "somewhat" make way, or out in the real world around here in an area I can't really stand .. .. at all .. ..

I mean, it has improved around here alot? but, I posted earlier on one of my now-non-existant social media sites that I'm not really ever going to fully "like" it around here. It's like asking someone who doesn't like a certain type of music to like it "or else". It's just not right .. .. ..

Thursday, July 4, 2019

No Car, No Go

It's funny how people take things so lightly then when those things blow up in their faces and turn into bigger situations and problems, do anything they can to cast the blame onto anybody else but themselves, when it was THEM in the first place who may as well have CREATED the situation or SITUATIONS by taking them for granted ..

Funny .. .. And kind of STRANGE, actually .. .. strange and WRONG .. .. .. And, I only type "funny" as means of trying to figure out why people would even take such things as I do so "nonchalantly" and as "a joke" .. .. ..

Me? personally? I myself am someone who works WITH people, who ENJOYS working with others .. .. ..

But why we have all these people out there, out here, etc. all "yaddi yaddi yahhh" when time comes around and nobody has taken reaponsibility for any of it ? I already said OUT LOUD ya! I DID do all this nice stuff for you all by putting out all this good energy to you over the years .. But who did I say it to? Into THIN AIR. In FRONT of "everyone" .. .. .. And you were nowhere to be found.

So NOWWW .. you see .. we have a whole other NEGATIVE type of "situations" .. .. .. Cuz here I MYSELF am, trying to pull you guys into the POSITIVE, and none of you want to hear about it. So there YOU go. Negative. And there I go. Positive.

I mean, I try all I can to put out more energy every day to you all. All this GOOD ENERGY I put out. And I can only PUT so much out that gets trashed until it becomes me who is in danger, PHYSICALLY .. .. .. So then, I have to stop putting out for YOU all and tend to my own well being. And you know, if you guys are all "used to" the trashing of all these good energies and all that .. in ABUNDANCE even .. well, then that's what you have for yourselves. Is a bunch of trash. A bunch of trash to live in, deal with, etc. .. .. .. And I am nowhere to be found! Why? BECAUSE I AM TENDING TO MY OWN WELL BEING STILL. Because I am tending to my OWN safety, ATTEMPTING not to be inflicted on by you people .. .. ..

And, I mean, no PROBLEM with this kind of "situation", but, it's not exactly "ideal" .. .. .. .. ..

A Good Way To Foul Up

Working "with" somebody like me "only indirectly" is a good way to foul up.

Anybody, for that matter. Like, if you go on for all these years and years never directly making any sort of contact with them, even, at all, whatsoever .. .. and consider them on some type of sidelines ? That's very cheap. And, that's very "sideline-ish" of you, yourselves ..

All blame cast aside .. it still doesn't make me want to work with people like that. Any of them. Any of YOU .. I mean, if you turn your acts around it does. But, not if you keep creeping around on the .. .. .. sidelines .. .. .. 😉

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Welcome, Not Apprehend and Defend

You'd think people would be more grateful for someone coming along trying to deplete all the problems in life and in the world and all that .. .. .. **shrugs**

Saturday, June 29, 2019

You Can Only Cake Up So Much Until It Lands On You Too

And then you're really in for it.

The power of good always wins. Let that be a lesson to you, at that time.

Not a sermon, not a warning. It's a fact. And, it is what it is.

Doing Good Is Easy

It's the backlash that hurts.

When you do so much nice and you treat people so well and you get nothing but hurt over and over again, it's more painful than difficult.
I mean, I shouldn't say "nothing but" but wow! this area is just full of it, I've seen. I never really wonder "why" I ended up here? but man oh man! this area is in need.

I'm not one to doubt higher powers really, usually. And, that's that. No ifs ands or buts about all that.

And like I said/posted .. it's the pain that is more of a problem. It impedes .. .. It's not even close to beneficial. And, why on this green earth people would want to inhibit productivity? positivity? progression? I have NO IDEA .. .. Like .. the only thing I can think of, and, the only thing I have seen that even resembles any kind of "way" or "trend" about it and that matches up even slightly each time I relate it to it is that people (well, SOME people, at least. Not everybody) are just so USED to doing so, that they come across somebody who's not even messing with them, messing around IN all that negativity and they go and be all nasty to them, too .. .. .. That is thee ONLY THING I have seen that matches up with it, even slightly.

And I never really even ever did anything myself to end up here but do good in life .. I mean, so what if people get jealous. So ? I mean, I don't get jealous really of other people doing well in life, but I sure do understand it! I HAVE understood it, also. I mean, I can't really think of anything otherwise what it could have been that ended me up around here instead of somewhere else and in a better off situation .. .. .. hm .. .. .. And I know GOD or GODS are not to blame for this. It's a person or people who are at fault here. As in, not to "blame" but who did the wrong thing about it instead of the right thing.

I mean, all in all, I'm the type of person who is HAPPY FOR others doing good in life. Not "let's see how we can take them down then do so". And, having been who I was at whatever point where I was wronged and ended up here after all "that"? I mean, you must be some kind of demonic person type to have done or be doing something like that to a person like me .. .. .. I mean, having an aside in life or not .. you WILL NOT be going through with what you are trying to do or what you DID try to do in the past. THAT will not be happening. Ok? Ok.

Anyways, enough rambling (or .. um, you know .. NOT) .. I know what I post is true it;s just my matter and this is my blog. So no problem with it really, but, it's just alot of complicated junk that isn't mine in the first place, all out on here for whoever. That's all it is. And .. it is what it is.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Right Is Right

It's not wrong to do the right thing. In fact, if there are all these "hoardes" of people out there these days doing the wrong thing, mistreating people, each other, and so on and so forth, it STILL doesn't make doing the right thing wrong. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever will be. That's why we have them defined in the dictionary as two different things. They are two different WORDS for crying out loud lol ..

People act like "just because you ignore it it isn't there". Not so. Not even close. That's like saying oh, "Maybe if I cover my eyes they won't see me" .. That's childish, and, not very realistic.
I mean, say it how I say it, it doesn't change the fact. But still, there are allllllllllll these people out there doing the latter. Why? I have NO IDEA. They must look up to failiure rather than success .. .. .. I can't even spell failiure for crying out loud lol .. Go figure .. .. ..

In Other Words, You Get What You Give

You get what you give. Not the other way around.

People, these days, just want to take and take and take .. then they wonder WHY on earth itself they have nothing left. Hm .. .. ..

It doesn't make me want to help. No .. .. .. it doesn't.

I mean, after like 10 plus years of putting out all this good energy? Only to have it turn out like this ? It's making me second guess helping any more. It's looking like something ELSE is the problem. And, it doesn't have to do with me ..

And I'm not so dumb that I just give and give until all the sudden I have just about nothing left. Jesus already did that. And, I'm not THAT dumb to make it have to happen again. And if that makes only one smart person as human on the face of this planet then so be it. It is what it is, then.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

You Get What You Put Out In Life

Enough said for one day .. .. **sigh**

Monday, June 17, 2019

Self Progression

If you want to build up to the point where you have nothing to worry about in life, you can. It's possible. If you have "nothing to start with" then start with the thought of it, alone. The thought itself will carry you through it all the whole way. Just make sure you make that your focus. It will eventually guide you, itself, BY itself, without much effort on your part, actually. How do I know this? I've been there. I've experienced it. I'm just off track of it right now. But that's another thing that I'm not getting into right now ..

But don't take my word for it. Find out yourself. You yourself. You and you ONLY. Cuz that's how it works. And if you can't trust "you", yourself, then what can you trust? Nothing. And not the "good" kind of nothing. The nothing that is also known as the bad or "negative" nothing. The "pointless" kind of nothing .. lol .. .. And if THAT'S where you are then get to that point first where you CAN trust yourself, your own body, mind and soul. And then go from there. ☺


The truth about things always prevails. Be it instantaneously or over a long period of time. Or both .. .. ..

That's why I do what I'm supposed to, always. So I don't have to worry about anything. ☺

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Cuz when your're nice .. it spreads like wildfire ..

I mean, that is thee strongest THING you can do in times like these is just be nice to one another .. .. Even IF someone is being mean. Be NICE BACK. .. They might even understand! Situation DISPERSED. See ?

Good wins, Evil loses

I just don't get it .. .. Like, if we grow up, KNOWING .. that good always wins, evil always loses, the hero always wins, the villain always gets caught, in all the stories, books, movies and all that we ever see .. .. .. and still, STILL .. .. people choose to lose ? they choose to be nasty than nice, even ? .. .. ..

I don't understand that

Backwards Country ..

This is a country where people that do the right things get looked down on and people that do the wrong things are looked up to.

That's WRONG.

And now you're seeing what happens when that happens for too long.

Hopefully the future will be different. Much MUCH different .. .. ..

When You're Wrong? You Admit It and Fix It

When you're in the wrong, don't keep rolling with it as if you somehow back in some shady corner of your mind know you're right. Cuz you don't. Flat out. You don't.

And especially NOT when like EVERYBODY knows you're wrong.

See, the way I do it? Is with simple things. So it STAYS SIMPLE. Everybody makes mistakes. The universe is not perfect. See? That's how it progresses. And thee IDEA is, is to keep it in BALANCE. NOT have all sorts of negative energy "caked up" everywhere. That'll never happen!
So me? When I make a simple mistake? I admit it. Even to myself all alone. When another comes up, I repeat the process. The SAME WAY. So now, it stays simple. Just like it started. Just like it will stay.
If you YOURSELF are caked up AS negative, the only LOGICAL way to back down out of that is by doing just that, ever so slowly. Not make it worse. Not keep rolling with it. Turn each and every one of those negative things you have around you, or, "about" you, around. And if time runs short? I mean hey. At least you tried. Time running short is one main reason WHY we keep it simple in the first place. So there always IS time. So it doesn't GET cut short.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Untitled ..

Slowly finding out that there's no going downtown during weekend nights as it's plagued with drunks .. ..

Hmmm .. what else to do .. .. 🤔

That Last Post

I edited a post from a while ago and it pushed it to "current". Not like it still isn't happening but that was posted days ago.

This area is old news in that aspect. Big deal. Nobody cares about energy like that that people like that put out like they do lol .. ..

Carrying on. Chilling this evening, currently. If music happens, it happens. Not promising anything as I'm not one to just "put out at random" whatever I'm feeling into music. That's not how I roll.

That's how I roll .. .. .. Good vibes only, please .. 😉

Not Yet

Good day today. Got lots done. Trying to work on music but not feeling it. Not just yet, at least ..

I Work for the Universe & All That Is Good

I don't know about you, but, I work for the universe. I work for progression, for creation, for all that is good. God included. If you're a good god? I got your back .. lol 👍👍✌👌

Well .. that's my business, anyways .. .. .. ☺

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Up & Running

Ok, so I got the studio up and running in a way that I can work with it.

Also I need to get my site's domain enabled next month so people can start visiting.

Been making starting blogs and getting used to the interface. Tty guys soon ok

Monday, June 10, 2019

Nice-ish Day, Good Timings

It's been an ok day today. Lots of stormy-ish things going on out there but been trying to make things work not "anyways" (like most people like to say) but when the times are right, during the day ..

Self Respect

There's nothing self-centered about self-respect. Anyone who says otherwise is confused about the definitions, even.

Self-respect isn't about casting anything outwards. It's purely a myth that self-respect is a way to "get back at" or "avenge" .. and it will always be a myth .. .. ..

Self-respect has to do with you and you only. There ARE no others involved. ☺

Sunday, June 9, 2019

It May Take A While, But

My gosh this is a stubborn area around here (location-wise) .. **sigh**

Things that'd normally take other areas to understand take this one years .. if even at all! Ugh ..

Patience .. .. ..

Saturday, June 8, 2019

For The Wealthy Minded, Hearted and Spirited

There is nothing CHEAP about calling out those who live life cheap shotting others. Doing so means you are somewhat STRONG actually. Not the other way around .. ✌😉✌

And it can't be cheap twice (on both sides) or it wouldn't even be a thing and we all wouldn't even exist. And that'd be rather evil in the first place now, wouldn't it ..

The Hypocrisies ..

Always got to be the hypocrite that says otherwise .. ..

.. .. instead of seeing what they can do to better the situation. Not WORSEN it .. .. ..

Always know what you are talking about. Don't just go off in life blabbing meaningless words that'd otherwise HAVE meaning if you actually PRACTICED them day in and day out like you act like you do then be all up in arms "all the sudden" when you get called out .. That's foolish .

Friday, June 7, 2019

All Caught Up In Your Own Games

Some of these people are just caught up in their own games .. .. I mean that in a "you get what you give, in life" kind of way .. ..

And as messed up as it is .. it's true.

I mean don't get me wrong; It's not ultimately bad to make mistakes, mess up, etc. .. .. But at least LEARN from them. Even in HOPES that you make them less in the future, if at all .. .. .. This though? It's a completely different story. And it's going on in a main city near the capital of one of (if not the most) powerful countries in the world .. .. ..

It kind of makes it hard to get things done. It really does.

Like .. .. .. work is one thing, but this? these disgraceful actions committed over and over again and STILL being committed even AFTER everything starts going downhill .. ? That has nothing to do with work, with music production, with the arts. So here, we have to take this whoooooole big ASIDE, wait for the little kids to clean up their acts, and THEN we can get to work .. .. ..

And that's IF they even stop being so ignorant .. .. IF they do .. .. not when, not how .. and so on and so forth .. but IF .. .. ..

I mean you'd be complaining about it too if you were me. Damn straight you would.

I mean, to step out into the downtown area only to get, like, pummeled by snickers and subliminal harassment by people so "pro" at it that they just know exactly when to stop so you can't get evidence .. ? And this isn't here and there .. .. you know .. .. "once in a while" .. .. .. even .. .. Even "bad" like "normal bad" .. .. no .. .. .. It's been going on for YEARS .. .. DAILY .. .. ..

I'd think the only respectable way to deal with it on this and that scale is to just let the shit hit the fan **shrugs** .. .. ..

Watch THAT fly .. .. .. .. ..

I mean .. people have to learn one way or another, don't they? So what better way than to LET THEM.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Haven't been getting much of any feedback at all on anything I do, for the longest time. People have just been seeming to prefer to not say anything at all, or even flat out ignore what I put out.

I mean, not the kind of "crowd" I want to gather anyways, but come on now .. you can't be that bad or ignorant, are you? At least say something. Input SOMETHING. So at least I know what I'm doing wrong, even .. And I solely say "wrong" only, because otherwise it'd be something positive, something good, and that's progressive, that's positive. And at least be somewhat non-lazy enough to do THAT. Otherwise then, then what are you .. ?

Also One of "Those" Areas Around Here

Don't get me wrong; it is "nice" around here. But some of the people aren't ..

Things are improving but there's still alot of negativity around here still.

It's understandable that "everybody's learning", but, some people just don't even try .. ..

So my point is, all in all, is that it doesn't help with creativity. At all, really. It doesn't "help" to have everything going just right, then all the sudden boom, all messed up. It doesn't help at all, actually. It hurts. It's destructive.

So, that's another thing I'm having to "deal with" around here is things like that going on. I mean, I try to have it so that it doesn't happen and just keep that balance going? But it seems like sometimes when things start getting on a roll and going forward that someone around here just "has" to come along and jack it up. And it's not some of it they jack up. It's like, all of it .. ..

Very cruel .. .. .. And it is a pretty "unusual" area .. if you get my gist .. .. ..

Anyways .. I suppose the best thing to do is to do what I can in that "idle state" until something that works latches on and I can grab on to it. I mean it doesn't help that other places out there, people are going all crazy and all that now, but whatever. I'm sure it'll work out sooner or later. Whether "they" (around here) like it or not. It's not their decision in the first place anyways. If it was then that's just workers of evil and I don't abide by that, so .. good 😉

Another Stormy Day. More Artists Block

It's not too bad out .. but still .. .. **sigh**

Also, my site here, it's mostly just for previewing my works for those of you who don't know what that's all about.
Most (if not all) of the rest of everything is out in the real world.


Sometimes all it takes is patience on both sides ..

On A Roll

Trying hard to get a roll on things, things on a roll. Been working so hard on getting situated. Now it's time to work on getting things on a roll.
Then .. they will be on a roll after that, I'd think. And from there on and thereforth ..

Even if it's seeming simple and an easy thing to do, it's not. It is, but it's not. Twice, I could say.

I try anyways 👍👍

Sunday, June 2, 2019

That's Life

There is ALWAYS time with good, with the universe. THAT'S LIFE .. .. ..

It Is What It Is

You can say it back and forth all day long, until you get old and withered. But, without ever actually making direct connections about it, where it is supposed to be, it never goes anywhere .. ..

Friday, May 31, 2019

Let It Be

Sometimes when people can't make up their minds about things, you kind of just have to let them figure it out, themselves. When your input is needed, you put in. Otherwise just leave it up to the universe and be good .. ☺

Temporary is Temporary is Temporary

This area I'm currently living in makes no sense most of the time .. Currently still working on pondering then finding out where all the "fun stuff" is on the internet these days since I'd been out of the loop for so long. I'm half way back in but not moving much, in it. 😉 Got to build up somewhere, right? ☺

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Good Always Wins

Good always wins. Hands down.

Why it would ever be any other way I have no idea. Because, it wouldn't be any other way. That's why.

The Big Hole In Society

It needs filling .. .. .. and I'm not seeing any takers .. .. .. **shrugs**

Friday, May 24, 2019

Life Is Easy

I know people say "life is hard". Not like that it isn't. And, I know what it is it's just that people would rather it be, it seems. I disagree, but, that's not what majority says. And in times like these majority rules.

So I guess that's just how it's going to have to be for everybody. And until otherwise noted, sad as this is right now, that's just how it's going to stay.

Otherwise, it isn't something I disagree with. People'd just rather give in to their own evils and just shrug the whole rest of everything off.

You see. It pains me more to NOT be able to show you all this THAN to.

Think of it like this: nothing new .. .. .. Same things different days. Boring as anything. Now .. you take THAT, and I put in my good energy into everything. Lots of nice new stuff now. New ways. Life is SLIGHTLY more easy. BUT .. .. and it's a big but! .. If hat is not respected, nothing goes on. We do not COMMENCE. We are stuck in that one. single. spot. until it is respected, in full. Then, and ONLY THEN we move on to the next step. Or even STEPS (plural) as far as I know .. .. But how are we to even get there to the next one if the first one isn't completed? We're not. As in, we aren't going to until it is .. .. ..

And now, after (if you did) reading this, you see ultimately why I'm just sitting here waiting. Because, the first step has not been respected. I'm merely just waiting for it to be. To be respected .. **shrugs**

I mean if that's my life until I die all old and wrinkly then that's what it is .. .. .. **shrugs**

Then, that's just what it'll be. Until otherwise noted. ☺

You Can Catch Me Out In the Real World

I don't have social media accounts because it's too easy for people to get carried away with their "feelings" on social media.

In person is just more proper and real. Especially in this day and age.

I prefer to put my energy into more mature things than social media. Lets put it like that.

My site here is made mostly just for previewing my arts. Not to build up an audience of users constantly viewing it repeatedly with nothing more than that. Hear that. ☺

Negative Energy Area

Currently living in an area with alot of negative energy in it which makes it hard to work on things.
Not to be one to acknowledge it to make it stronger but it's also good to not ignore the fact that it's there.

One can dance the negativity away all they want to and still be surrounded by it if it isn't dealt with properly ..

Continuing On or Not

It's got to stop.

Music and visual art as we know it is not meant to be forced upon people.

If all that's being done is my arts being put down and it turning into some kind of "battle" instead, then I'll just continue to be not working on it. Hands down.

And ESPECIALLY if people out there would rather give in to their misconcieved feelings of jealousy and "understandings" of it and kill and fight and destroy all that is around them, including my own arts. ESPECIALLY then will I not be working on them.

I suppose it'll all just stay on standby until people out there that are being like this about these things come to a better UNDERSTANDING of it all. Otherwise it's just disrespectful and atrocious.

Artists Block

I know where my artists block is coming from.
I've realized it a few times in the past but it's never really set in until now.

It's a matter of "art is meant to be shared" kind of thing. And, if all society does is poke fun at people like me, prod, ridicule, etc. then who am I sharing my arts to? If it is only meant to be ridiculed then what's the point in sharing it? For it to be ridiculed and laughed at? It's a matter of between good and evil, to me. If I'm a good person, then, I share and make and share my arts and they keep getting torn down over and over again then what's the point? What is the point of continuing to do so if that's all that's ever going to happen?

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Make It

Why go on, unhappy? Some people perish that way, and that's sad .. I kind of feel bad for them, almost .. them, not having known any better.

I believe, truly, that having a good life is the best way to live. Not all angry and negative and all that.

It may have "seemed" that I was negative for a while, but, that was only just people's doubt. The whole time had been just more of a big "now standing by" for me. A "hold on". You know .. just wait.

I understand that it taking so long may have caused some OF the doubt, but, don't they go hand in hand sometimes anyways? When you doubt someone, you cast that negative energy out. It does affect people. It prolongs things sometimes, that's all .. Kind of an inward spinning cycle than more of an outward one or a release of it all.

I believe in the benefit of things usually, not the benefit of the doubt. I have a good life. I built it up myself. That's productivity. That's accomplishment. That's good. When someone says hold on, or wait, just do so. Let them explain. Let them work it out. Let them build on good intentions. 👍

Nice Windy Breezy Day

Been trying to make light of things lately, also. It works 😄

Thinking in order to get more of a groove and or vibe going I've got to see where everything and everybody's at for that, so I've been pondering ways to get some good feedback on things, related.

Sometimes neutral or unsure feedback from people is better than nothing. It can tell you where NOT to go, what NOT to do. Having been out of the loop for so long it seems like that is the way TO go, but not. I just had to gather enough wits to be able to take it the right way.

It's getting there.

Slow and steady, my friends .. ☺

Continuum. Life.

What is life without continuum? Mystery! Everlasting! .. Not meaning cause problems, but, once found? Continue on.
I am not one to seek out the mysterious, the intricacies of life. I just let life happen. Patience. Not mayhem nor chaos.
A good life is a good life. Good is good is good, for that matter.

Sometimes I feel that alot of people out there, if not too many but hopefully not, are under the false impression that in order to "progress life" we must create these problems for others, and, if we don't then "what are we" .. This is a major problem out there it seems. Correct me if I'm wrong. However .. nobody in their right MIND wants more and more and MORE troubles! We want SOLUTIONS, for the things to be FIXED, and, we move on!

This is one of my, how do you say it, "woes"? I assume how it is said? .. I understand the concept, I disagree with it, but still, it bothers me alot. .. Like how can one get work done if all that is being done in the outside world is all this catastrophe and mayhem? All these chaotically-minded people running around. How does that happen? And in art? One is to work in fear .. ?

Herein lies my artists block. Art is free as is knowledge. There is no form to it, as there IS form. To each their own styles! How does one say "do this" or .. "do that" and that is your art. All while terrified out of their minds .. .. That's just sad .. ..

I hope that things continue to level out. I really do. Even if some things may seem out of place while everything ELSE is going back INTO place, or .. ALREADY BEING THERE.


Not One For Excuses

Been having some major major artists block for the past years. It's slowly going away but it's been keeping me from actually getting to actual work for the longest time. It's not really because of anything I'm doing. It's more of just abnormal "life events" .. .. Just been letting it pass and it's slowly coming to, back to me. In a good way, mind you .. ..

Site Back Up

Ok so got the site back up just this hour or so. Lots of reworking it and adjustments of the actual site but it's working out better than before, even.

I'll take care of the ads in a few weeks.
